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Lime Chiffon and Parfait

illustration of a dark skinned girl dressed in lime green and a green parrot

Lime Chiffon is the most stylish and booksmart friend around! Together with pet friend, Parfait the parrot they know a lot about a lot, sharing a love for fashion and books.

Character Activities

Berry Fun Word Search

5 animal characters on a pink background with heading 'Word Search Activity'

The names of the girls of Big Apple City and their names are hidden in this game - download & find them all!

Help Strawberry Find Her Berry Bestie!

5 girl characters on a pink background with heading 'Maze Activity'

Strawberry Shortcake is lost in Big Apple City... help her find her way back to Blueberry, Orange, Lime, and Lemon!

Lime Chiffon and Parfait

A girl all in green is standing next to a colouring sheet of the same image

If Lime Chiffon is your favorite, download & color in!

Strawberry Shortcake and friends

5 girl characters are peeking out of the corner next to the colouring sheet of the same image

Color in your favorite characters!

Meet My Friends

Strawberry Shortcake and Custard

illustration of a girl dressed in pink and her pink cat

Lemon Meringue and Frappe

illustration of a girl dressed in yellow and a yellow frog

Blueberry Muffin and Cheesecake

illustration of a girl dressed in blue and a blue mouse

Orange Blossom and Pupcake

illustration of a dark skinned girl dressed in orange and an orange dog
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